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Resultados Raw 06/05/13

Roanoke, Virginia, EUA

1 Match - Normal Match

Randy Orton venceu Damien Sandow

2 Match - Normal Match

R-Truth venceu Fandango (W/ Summer Rae) por count-out

3 Match - Normal Match

Alberto Del Rio (W/ Ricardo Rodrigues) venceu Dolph Ziggler (W/ AJ Lee & Big E. Langston) pod DQ. (após Langston atacar Del Rio)

4 Match - 6 Man tag Team Match

The Shield venceram Kofi Kingston & The Usos

5 Match - Normal Match

Antonio Cesaro venceu Zack Ryder

6 Match - 6 Divas Tag Team Match

Kaitly & The Funkadactyls venceram AJ Lee & The Bella Twins

7 Match - Normal Match

Sheamus venceu Wade Barrett

Main Event - Normal Match

Ryback venceu Kane

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